Moonshine still
To obtain distillate from the mash, a much lower boiling point of alcohol is used compared to water. During distillation, other volatile components also separate out at specific temperatures. This removes harmful or taste-distorting substances from the distillate. In order to obtain a high-quality distillate in a simple apparatus, it is necessary to strain the distillate twice, and to properly separate the fore- and mid-gons.
First stripping
Before starting distillation, it is worth diluting thicker batches to avoid burning and changing the taste of the distillate. Foam can carry solid particles higher, disturbing the distillation process and deteriorating the distillate. To prevent foam from escaping from the boiler, an anti-foam agent can be used.
The first stripping is intended to separate volatile components from non-volatile components remaining in the boiler.
After initial heating, before condensation of vapors occurs, the heating power should be significantly reduced. We will then calmly collect the first condensate containing acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, and especially methyl alcohol, which is poisonous and should be poured away. The later part of the process should also be carried out with moderate power. We try to separate all the alcohol contained in the drink. We finish when no more than 3% of alcohol remains in the pot.
The obtained raw material is still unrefined, with a significant content of water, aldehydes, acetates and fusels. It usually has a strength of about 30 percent.
Second stripping
We combine this raw material from three shoots and distill it again. We heat at a lower power to be able to separate undesirable ingredients with a lower boiling point.