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flaga brytyjska


Description of apparatus, advice

Potstills alembics

Pot stills  alembics

    To making moonshin in simple apparatus is traditionis method of distillation of settings from grain or fruits. Is based on double distillstill in a simple apparatus called alembic or pot stillem. This method has been used so far in reputable whisky, or cognac distilleries. When replacing the old distillation apparatus, all the details, including the deflegmator dents, are carefully reproduced to preserve the unique taste of this particular distillery. The use of this apparatus can give excellent results, but it requires experience because, in addition to the size and shape of the deflegmator, the degree of inclination of the tailpipe, the rate of heating and proper cooling, the experience of the distiller plays a huge role. It is up to him to properly cut off the foreground and chases during the second drive and at the same time keep the taste and aroma of the distillate as complete as possible. The distillate also needs to mature over a long period of time while lying down.